
Health Blog/Vlog

1 min CannaCourse & more…

Patient education is critically important for long-term recovery and preventing illness, but new medical information may be difficult to understand. Add to that the complexity of the varying strains of cannabis, each with different types of cannabinoids and terpenes yielding different effects on multiple symptoms and diseases. It can quickly becomes overwhelming. But don’t worry…you’ve come to the right place. As part of the personalRN family of products, WeedRecs is dedicated to “…helping you become fluent in the language of your disease.”

Toxicology Kourosh Parsapour, MD MBA Toxicology Kourosh Parsapour, MD MBA

What You Need to Know About Drug Testing for Marijuana

The most common method of drug testing in this country for illicit substances is a urinalysis, aka UA. Marijuana has been known to stay in a person’s system for days or even weeks in high enough amounts to produce a positive result on a UA. A positive UA therefore does not necessarily mean that the person is under the influence at the time of testing.

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